Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I turned from black to white: How a skin disorder changed a man's identity and his place in the world

As a five-year-old, every night I would pray to God to make me white. I grew up in an orphanage filled with largely white children, where I was often ridiculed for my skin colour. 
And even at that age, I realised that some opportunities in this world were not for the taking if you were black.
'Please God, lighten my skin and make me like everyone else,' I would whisper before I went to sleep. It sounds like an impossible dream, but, for me, it came true. 
Luke Davis taken in 1972 aged about 6 in Castlebar
Luke Davis
Changing faces: Luke Davis as a boy, left, and today after being affected by the skin disorder vitiligo
Today, at the age of 44, as a result of the skin condition vitiligo, I am white. Were you to see me in the street, it wouldn't cross your mind that I'm anything other than a typical middle-aged Caucasian man. 
The only reminder of the colour I once was is a circular patch of dark skin just 1cm wide at the top of my back.
In many ways, despite society's insistence that racism is a thing of the past, my life is better as a white man. 
Much as this country proclaims that it is tolerant of every creed and colour, my experience shows this is not the case. 
While this might sound shocking, I believe I'm only stating what every black man living in this country knows. 
For instance, I was recently offered a job as a butcher, which I know I wouldn't have got were I black. How can I be so sure? After offering me the job, the owner of the business discreetly reassured me that it was not an establishment where black people were allowed to work.

'Nothing pleases me more than the fact that my two daughters, Stacey, 22, and Zoe, 20, both have fair skin and red hair'

Of course, my blood ran cold. Until that point, he'd seemed like a genuinely good bloke and I was astounded he was even capable of thinking such a thing, let alone saying it. 
I couldn't bring myself to accept the job: I would have felt like a traitor to my own heritage. 
As a white man, I also no longer have to live in fear of experiencing the physical and verbal assaults I used to endure as a black man - attacks that my black friends still endure. 
At a school reunion a few years ago, I watched an old acquaintance of mine - who is black - being subjected to racist name-calling by a group of drunk white men. 
I was furious, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't relieved that the fact my skin is now white meant I could just get on with my night in peace. 
Such events weren't my everyday experience, but whenever they occurred I felt angry and humiliated. And nothing pleases me more than the fact that my two daughters, Stacey, 22, and Zoe, 20, both have fair skin and red hair. 
There is no hint of their Nigerian blood (through my father) in their appearance, and since the day they were born, I've felt thankful that they will never be considered inferior because of their skin colour. 
Yet, despite all this, I can't say I am truly content. Once, all that mattered to me was fitting in and being accepted, and I would have denied my heritage to achieve it. 
Unrecognisable: Luke aged six with his foster mother
Unrecognisable: Luke aged six with his foster mother
But I've come to realise that to deny my heritage is to deny who I am. Often, when I look in the mirror, I am shocked by the unfamiliar white face staring back at me, and I can't help but mourn the colour that I once was. 
I want people to know that, despite my fair skin, I am a black man. 
I was born in Dublin in 1965. My father was a Nigerian geology student and my mother was white. 
At three months old, I was sent to live in an orphanage run by nuns. When I later asked why I was there, I was told that my father had returned to Nigeria and my mother had suffered a nervous breakdown, which meant she couldn't look after me. 
At that time, though, it would have been considered shocking to have a child outside wedlock, let alone a mixed race baby. 
My mother, with whom I was reconciled in my teens, has never said this was why she gave me up, but I've always assumed that it played a significant part. 
At the orphanage, my most vivid memories are of people laughing at me and calling me 'nigger' or 'blacky'. 
I was just one of a handful of black children there and I always felt an outsider. When I was five, I noticed that my buttocks were becoming speckled with white dots, which resulted in even more ridicule. 
In particular, I recall waiting in line for a bath, trying to hold back tears as others taunted me, shouting that I had a 'white a***'. 
Not surprisingly, my paranoia over my skin colour deepened. I would get up early so I could wash in the communal bathroom alone, and took to getting dressed under my bedsheets so that no one would see my body. 
Like any child, I just wanted to fit in. I had no idea what was happening, but my skin continued to fade from black to completely white in patches. 
When I was six, I noticed lighter patches appearing on my fingers. Within a month, the tips of my fingers were white. 
The other children - and even the nuns - would grab my hands in fascination, while I tried to wear gloves as much as possible or else keep my hands firmly in my pockets. 
At seven, my toes and groin had turned a blotchy white, and by eight the transformation was slowly pushing down my thighs. 
I'd been ridiculed and abused because I was black, and now I was even more of an oddity. 
Unique perspective: By the age of 35, most of Luke's face and body had turned white giving him the experience of living as a black and white man in Britain
Unique perspective: By the age of 35, Luke's face and body had turned white giving him the experience of living as a black and white man in Britain
All I wanted was to be completely white. When I was 11, my mother, who was beginning to recover from her breakdown, paid a rare visit to the orphanage.
She was horrified when she saw the state of my skin, and assumed the nuns were bleaching it. 
When I told her they weren't, she insisted on taking me to see a skin specialist in London. 
It was there, after a number of tests, that I was diagnosed with vitiligo - a chronic skin disorder that affects around one per cent of the population and causes depigmentation.
The doctor's prognosis was that the vitiligo wouldn't spread much farther, as in its most common form it does not cover the entire skin.
I was also told there was no treatment for it. I was too busy basking in my mother's unexpected attentions even to think what this would mean for me. But I do remember feeling shocked. 
I'd been sure the doctor would have a remedy to turn me either wholly black or white, so that I'd no longer be perceived as a freak.
Today, many theories exist to explain vitiligo. The most popular is that the body's own immune system attacks pigment cells.

'It's a terrifying feeling your identity is change and you have no control over what is going to happen'

It has been established, too, that genes predispose some people to vitiligo, and environmental factors such as psychological stress and hormonal changes can play a part. 
But whatever the causes, the white areas on my skin continued to spread. 
After this, I went to live with my mother, a waitress, at her home in London. That's when I met my father's brother, Sonny, and sister, Amber. 
Mum was in a new relationship with Sonny and she could see I wasn't happy. 
After eight months, I went to live with white foster parents - but over the years I have seen Mum frequently. 
The depigmentation of my skin continued unabated. By the age of 15, I had white patches over my knees, and then the vitiligo started inching across my legs. 
Even though I loved rugby and boxing - and had been told I had it in me to be a professional boxer - I gave up all sports because I couldn't bear to be seen in shorts. 
The older I got, the less convinced I was that I wanted to be white after all. I'd been introduced to my father's siblings and it was through them and their stories about Nigeria that I learned what it meant to be black. 
I grew my afro hair long and loved nothing more than dinner at AunAmber's, where she'd put on a spread of Nigerian food, which we'd eat with our fingers, sitting on the floor. 
I finally felt as though I belonged in my own community, and I didn't want that to be taken from me. 
By the age of 17, the vitiligo had spread all over my legs, back, torso and arms, and people stared at me wherever I went. 
Michael Jackson
Similarities: Luke's change of skin tone mirrors the experience of Michael Jackson who said he suffered from a skin disorder
I was working in a butcher's shop, but my white hands and speckled wrists had customers recoiling as though I had some sort of contagious disease. 
I preferred working at the back of the shop, preparing joints of meat and making burgers.
There, I could avoid being made to feel like a leper. I was confused about who I was - torn between fighting for the colour of my birth or giving in to becoming white. 
But I always knew I'd be more accepted in society if I was white. 
The reality of life in Britain was regularly hammered home to me - whether I was on stage in the band I had formed with another black man, hearing the crowd shouting racist abuse at us, or realising that a girl couldn't go out with me because her parents didn't approve of black men. 
Of course, not everyone I met was racist, but I agonised over such unfairnesses until June 1983, when I met Stephanie at the London butcher's where I was working. 
Two years later, we were married. I'd always felt self-conscious with women, but with Stephanie - who is white - it was just right and I was able to relax.
She seemed oblivious to the patches on my skin. Our daughters, Stacey and Zoe, were born in 1986 and 1988. 

'If I had the choice and could live in a world without racism, I would choose to be black'

Becoming a father also helped me gain a greater perspective on life. Still, that's not to say I didn't think about my skin as the vitiligo continued on its journey across my body. 
I knew now that there was a real chance my face could turn white. The first white patch appeared as a circle around my nostril in June 1989. That night, I cried. 
Despite my childhood prayers to be white, I was now desperate to hang on to my black identity - especially on the part of the body that defines us most. 
It's a terrifying feeling to think your identity is about to be changed and you have no control over what is going to happen. 
I started applying cosmetic cream to my face to try to disguise the patches. It helped, but couldn't hide the problem. 
A year later, I was prescribed a steroid cream along with tablets that were supposed to reverse the damage caused to my skin pigment. But the medications were in vain.
By 35, my face - and the majority of my body - was completely white. And although I still considered myself black, for the first time strangers saw me as a white man.
I used fake tan to give my body some colour, but I always made light of the transformation, joking with friends that it had been a while since I'd had a chance to sunbathe. 
It's been hard for my wife, though, and we broke up two years ago. We had a very happy 20 years together, but ultimately, were she asked, I think she would say that there were three of us in our marriage: her, me and my ever-changing skin. 
But my daughters, who know no different, have always accepted and loved me for who I am. 
I am now getting used to my white face and finally learning to accept myself. One of the best things I've found about being white is the anonymity that comes with it.
I am not seen as an obstacle, or a potential problem, and it's much easier to mingle within a group. 
My ambition now is to go further with my music and songwriting.
I will always remain fiercely protective of my black origins and I recently walked out of a wedding after a racist joke was made. 
I'd love nothing more than to find my father in Nigeria so I can learn even more about my roots.
If I had the choice and could live in a world without racism, I would choose to be black. But whether my skin is black or white, I am still the same person inside.


Best 25 proven ways on how to get natural fair skin by home remedies.

(Source: BeingHuman@lifecan.blogspot.com)
Women have always dreamt of a fair natural complexion and making people look at her at least once when she dashes through the crowd. But only few have the blessings of a fair and beautiful skin. Women around the globe have skin color according to the local environmental conditions, where sunnier places create a darker skin and cooler regions have relatively fair skin. It is because of the melanin pigment concentration in the skin which makes all the variation. But despite of the facts, how to get fair natural skin is the most sought question in every region of this world. You do not have to go to costly parlours and opt for costly creams to get a fair complexion. There are some effective techniques for fair natural skin just by home remedies. And by home remedies it is to be noted that, those things are easily available at home, which is the main advantage and affordable too.
Remember before going through these best tips to getting fair skin naturally, one must have sun mask everytime they go out in the sun. That helps in preventing the efforts go in vain. So here are the top 25 proven fairness tips and tricks you are really looking for:
  1. Water is a body neutralizer and best for every health development process. Drink atleast 10 glasses of water everyday for removing undereye darkcircles. This automatically helps in bringing back the glow.
  2. Cucumber is a great source of refreshing compounds. So, it helps in making the skin tone lighter. Grate the cucumber and mesh it up. Take ½ to 2 teaspoon and apply it on the face. Wait for some time and wash it up. It is a proven way for getting fair complexion.
  3. Use sandalwood oil for removing pimples and eliminate uneven puffed up skin spots. Add some sandalwood oil to cleansers and toners to get serious results.
  4. Lemon is proved to be an excellent bleaching agent. Cut some lemon pieces and rub it against the face. It helps in getting rid of the spots and facial wear outs.
  5. Lemon and honey is a good mixture for a guide to natural fair skin. Gently apply it on the whole face and leave for some twenty minutes. Then wash it off.
  6. Almond is a great skin fairness compound. Grate it and use the paste on the skin. See the results.
  7. Apply a paste of gram flour, 2-3 drops of lemon juice and one or two teaspoons of milk on the face and neck. Keep it for sometime, approximately 15 minutes and wash it off. Repeat every week.
  8. Mint is a good fairness developer. Mix some mint leaves with water by grinding it. Use the paste on neck and facial skin. Repeat if desired.
  9. Make a good paste of turmeric powder and lemon juice, cool it for some time and apply to your face. Wash it off after some time.
  10. For fair complexion increase, use curd as it is proved to be a skin softener and complexion grower. It contains zinc and lactic acid useful for lighter skin.
  11. Coconut water with some milk can be applied to the skin to get a scarless face. Repeat everyday to get best fairness results.
  12. Egg white is used to make oily skin fair. Use it twice a week for better results.
  13. Mix some raw milk with a pinch of saffron. Use the solution on your face by the help of a cotton pad. This helps in skin fairness increase.
  14. Mix curd, oatmeal and tomato to get a fair complexion.
  15. Take some basil leaves (tulsi) and smash it to get the desired juice out of the leaves. Mix it with some lime juice and apply it for 15 minutes daily. You will see the results in two weeks time.
  16. Use cucumber juice mixed with honey to get rid of dry skin but with fairer complexion.
  17. Mix honey, yogurt, milk and ground seesame seeds and apply on the skin to get good results.
  18. Multani mitti (Fuller’s earth) is a great solution to fair complexion. Mix it with rose water and apply daily to get fair complexion.
  19. Papaya and watermelon mixed in equal amount serves as a facepack and gets rid of dark oily skin.
  20. Pour some sugar over lemon and scrub it gently on your face till the sugar granules start to melt. Apply throughout the body if desired. It helps in making the skin softer and fairer. Do not use if pimples or acne are there, as it can burst them up.
  21. Rosewater application on the skin daily makes the skin look soft and helps in disappear wrinkles.
  22. Boiled radish water is good for skin and apply the water on the face after an evening stroll out. It makes the skin look fresh and fairer.
  23. Rip off the pineapple juice and apply it gently on the skin by cotton. Wash it after sometime to get good results.
  24. Orange peels are proven to increase skin tone. Grind it and mix with honey or curd and apply on the face for proven results.
  25. Boiled cumin seeds water face wash helps in getting fair face and helps in prevent dark spots.
If one goes through these pretty easy guidelines to natural fair skin, it is assured the results will be just unbelievable. Always take a sun block cream face pack when going out in the sun, and do not forget to take sunglasses with you as those simple things effect the eye darkcircles rate. Also proper exercise and green vegetables help in the cause of getting fair complexion.
For more beauty and love tips, visit www.lifecan.blogspot.com

 Last updated on June 19, 2013
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Comments 70 comments


can i improve my skin colour from 

black to white?

by Sai

Hi, My colour is black basically but i want to go

for skin whitening treatments, is it safe or any 

harm with that.




Hi Sai, to answer your question if changing skin

color from black to white is possible, the

answer is yes. Some remedies may not be

totally safe, and that is not what our skin 

whitening treatments are formulated for.

Our skin whitening products are solutions to 

hyperpigmentation, dark spots, or simply if you

want to lighten skin to a few shades as a 

personal preference. Your results will depend

on your own skin sensitivity and how much

lighter your skin will allow it.

Yes, our products are safe because they do not 

contain hydroquinone, mercury or steroid.

Proper use of a skin lightening regimen is the

other part of the equation.

Hope that helps.


Comments for can i improve my

skin colour from black to white?

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improve skin colour
by: riza 


please,how to improve face colour in black to white please tell me any tips


Hi Riza, our best recommendation to lighten face is Dermaline Black Soap and Skin Whitening Cream. It can lighten facial skin to a few shades or further, depending on your skin response.

For best results, sunscreen and moisturizing will also be a part of your skin lightening regimen. This will all be detailed in the accompanying instruction sheet, so read well.


My body color from black to white
by: Chuwi 

Hi Mam...I want to become a permanent white color.It's better to take skin whitening pills or cream? which is best mam ..


Hi Chuwi, skin lightening is not permanent, just as when you use moisturizers, anti-aging creams, hair dye, or other hair/skin care regimen which are not permanent.

Our skin has its limits in lightening, and it will not go from black to white. Lightening a few shades is basically doable.

We do not recommend skin whitening pills anymore. It's expensive in the long run, because before you knew it's not working for you, you have spent a lot already to waste.

For overall lightening, your affordable and fastest solution is Dermaline Papaya and Black Soaps, Skin Whitening Lotion and Cream Set (Kit2). In a few weeks, you can determine the final results.


by: ab 

hydroquinone tretinoin and mometasone has side effects???


Yes, AB, here's that page for hydroquinone side effects.


Colour Changes
by: Anonymous 

No Changes.........your colour is your beauty.....think positive
By : Hari

can i
by: Anonymous 

basically i need to improve my foot and arm colour to white from black,, is it possible?


Hello, lightening 1-3 shades is basically doable, and lighter than that will depend on your skin response. For dark hands and feet, this is what's best - Dermaline Papaya Soap and Body Lightening Lotion and use once a day. For best results, pls read the accompanying instruction sheet well.


Body Color
by: Chuvi 

Hi, My colour is black but i want to go for skin whitening treatments, is it safe or any harm with that.give me any solution for me.


Hi Chuvi, skin lightening can be safe and affordable for everyone. As long as you choose products without hydroquinone, mercury or steroid, you'll be fine.

For overall lightening and brightening of skin, try Dermaline Papaya and Black Soaps, Skin Whitening Lotion and Cream (Kit2) for your purpose.

For best results, pls read the accompanying instruction sheet well.


changing whole body into white color
by: praveen 

hi i need ur help to change my grl frnd's color to white. plzzzzzzzz gve me a detailed explanation.


Hi Praveen, we do not encourage changing one's color from black to lighter, unless the person itself requests for it for her own personal preference and improvement of self-esteem. We believe in one's privilege for self-improvement, a happier fulfillment and most importantly, it depends on an individual's preference of beauty. If your girlfriend has all these objectives, then I can recommend something for her own goal, and I really hope you understand that. A man should love someone for what she is, and not for what she can become.

Based on the foregoing, you can show her ourskin whitening kits Kit2 and Kit3 for face and body lightening. It will come with an instruction sheet to guide her well for successful skin lightening.

Good luck and take care,

skin whitening
by: Nawrin 

I'm medium brown.is it possible to change my skin color from brown to white permanently? Not only face also overall body.


Hi Nawrin, skin lightening is not permanent and you won't get a drastic effect of becoming white. Lightening 1-3 shades is basically doable and lighter than that will depend on your skin response - usually closest to your lightest skin tone when you were younger.


Improving skin tone..
by: Pratik 

hi..myself pratik. i love my girlfriend so much.but she is slightly blackish in appearance. And thats why i just feel some confusion regarding merrage with her. Can i improve her skin colour tone???? Please help me, I am too confused..i love her so much..but please solve my doubt..and how???

Please...please...please...I dnt want to lose my love just because of skin colour tone...SO please guide me properly...


Hi Pratik, if I may express my opinion, one's skin color shouldn't be an obstacle when loving a person. If your girlfriend is happy with her skin tone, it shouldn't be a reason to change her because that's the way she is, unless she wanted to do it herself.

Skin lightening is meant to remove hyperpigmentation and dark spots on skin, or make one happier with her preference of beauty for skin. If your girlfriend wanted some improvement, then here's what I can recommend -

Skin Whitening Kit2 or Kit3 are our best sellers for face and body lightening.


by: rajni 

yeh real me bahut faydemand hai.

whitening skin
by: priya 

Hai It's very useful for me.

From black to white to Sai
by: Jan 

Sai, I think improving your skin and changing color are two different things. I am a mixed female, Native, Irish and black, 33% Native confirmed by blood testing, years and a illness has caused me to grow disturbingly darker, I say disturbingly because my skin color darkening was indication that something was medically wrong, or abnormal, as having vitiligo is apparent and a indication that something medically has gone wrong. I would rather watch Television in color than in black and white.

There is nothing wrong with any depth of color or the many shades and becoming lighter and brighter is a improvement. I don?t think you really want white skin, albinos want color, people with Vitiligo try first to get there color back before taking the option to depigment there enter body.

I have tried Diana Stalder products and they have work excellently for me in a very short time. I am trying to make a photo diary to show the stages of my results, I hope you will be around to see them when I can get them posted.

My results were super quick, and kind of dramatic, I did not expect that kind of response.

I can only say think about your options carefully and while your doing that, try the products and see what happens, your results might be as fast and as dramatic as mine were but you will never know until you try.

You will never hear the answer yes or no until you ask the question. So you will never know until you try it for yourself, I went with the Diana Stalder line.


How to become fair[ become white] through using natural things? 

i am dark in colour. i want to become fair......so plz help me
Best Answer
here are some home remedies for skin lightening -

1. Mix 1 tsp of milk powder, 1 tsp of honey, 1 tsp of lemon juice, and ½ tsp of almond oil; leave on skin for 10-15 minutes before wash off.

2. Mix oatmeal with curd and tomato juice.. do as no.1.

3,You can also apply cucumber juice to your body and leave it on for as long as you can.

4.Lemon juice can be mixed with sandalwood paste and applied to the entire body as well.

Milk for Skin Whitening
After returning home from outside apply chilled raw milk.
This reduces tanning and makes complexion fair.

for whitening of skin: add rose water and multanni mitti and curd with lemon. .
see the difference in 1 week

For a fair complexion;
For oily skin, take
1 tbs lemon juice, A paste of spinach, 2 tbs Besan powder (gram flour),
2 tbs honey. Mix them all to obtain a good paste.
Apply monthly to get beautiful fair skin.

At Home whitening with lemon is really good.
It is effective when used repeatedly for a long time.
You can add honey and egg to make a mask that willgive you a youthful skin.

Make a paste of potatos and apply on your face and neck,
wait for some times then wash away. Feel the difference.

Fair Complexion with Fresh fruits;
For fair skin smash potato and a cucumber. Sequeeze to get its juice.
The best way to apply is to first chill it then apply for few minutes till it dries.

Fair Complexion with Gram Flour
Take small amount of gram flour(baisin) and add rose water to make a
paste apply on your face for ten minutes and then wash off for a fair skin.
This is a natural cleanser and skin whitener.

Skin Whitening Care
Application of sandalwood, rose water and multani mitti if applied on
a daily basis shall show significant improvement in face complexion within
one week time. These are known for there skin whietening qualiities for very long

Skin Whitening Face Mask
Mix gram flour (besan), honey, milk and turmeric powder curd.
Apply it on face and neck for fair skin.

Take two tea spoon pure honey, add one tea spoon tomoto mix it properly.
Apply on face for 25 minutes, wash it with cold water.
Try this for 15 days without using any soap or other face material,
you will be stunned by changes in your skin. You will have no pimples,
no marks and last but not the least your skin will become fair
as never before.